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Chiva, València 2023
Europan 17 Winner

Catalina Salvà with Jaume Gil and Santiago Alberca (Bou Gandia)

A territorial opportunity arises with the ravine as it passes through Chiva, in a position between two large-scale fluvial corridors it can be seen as a strategic transversal link.

The proposal considers it as a landscape regeneration device, in which water and humidity are the main protagonists in an Agro-Fluvial Park where orchards coexist with boosted riparian and mediterranean ecosystems. A landscape operation to widen the space of the ravine is proposed so that the new heart of Chiva becomes a floodable ecotone which weaves together the hydraulic heritage, the existing paths and continuities and the ecosystems; an elongated centrality that enhaces flows and activities with three main nodes distributed along its course.

Chiva goes from turning its back to breathing through it.